Summer Travel - Ravenna

My new blog, Grey Dove Travels, will highlight my upcoming adventures this coming summer and early fall. It's an exciting time for me - God willing and Covid not raging, I will be able to experience some of the world's most historic sites. I begin with a trip to Italy. A brief stay in Milan, home of Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper" fresco, and then I go on to Ravenna, home to stunning mosaics depicting early Christian history, and also my father's hometown. The mosaics found in Ravenna's Cathedral of San Vitale are some of the most spectacular mosaics that remain intact. They are Byzantine in style and were commissioned by the Emperor Justinian. The 6th century church is an important surviving example of early Christian Byzantine art and architecture. It is one of eight structures in Ravenna inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Basilica San Vitale During my few days in Milan I will visit many places but spend most of my time at Duomo di Milan, t...